Friday, January 31, 2014

Words of Wisdom


Work as if you have total need of the hour
Love as if nobody ever made you suffer
Live as if paradise were on earth
-- Anonymous



The Art of Patience is not much about how long one can wait;
But, it is about... how one behaves while waiting...



Phasing out

Build yourself mentally and physically;
And continuously so that you are not phased out.




Enjoy whatever you want in life; but be prepared to pay the price for it.

Indira Gandhi


Impossible is Nothing

Impossible is just a Big word thrown around by Small men who find it
easier to Live in the world they have been given; than to Explore the Power they have to Change it.

Impossible is not a fact. It is an opinion.
Impossible is NOT a Declaration. It is a Dare.
impossible is Potential. Impossible is Temporary.



Relative Goodness

All are good to you until you expect nothing from them;
And you are good for them until you fulfill their expectations !




To put an end to worries, you have to live in the present - then, there's no past and no future !
--- Ma Naina, Osho guru, Delhi



Never praise a man in the face
Never abuse a man in the back

American Saying


Two Options

You have only two options: Either you go to the Gym or go to the Doctor.
American Saying



I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.

Albert Einstein



Wonder is what sets us apart, from other Life forms. no other species wonders about the meaning of existence or complexity of the universe or themselves.
--Herbert W. Boyer


Perfect Marriage

A great marriage is not when the 'Perfect Couple' comes together. it is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.
--Dave Meurer

Words of Wisdom

What attracts others

Its not your Anxiety but Peace, Not your Irritation but Patience
Not your Hasty utterances but Sympathetic Listening, Not your Grief but Smile
Not your Money but Spending for Others, Not your Problems but your Helping nature
Not your Cunningness but Candidness, Not your Lies but your Truthfulness

That attracts others to you



Mind, the Monkey

Mind is the root of all evils. It jumps like a monkey from one thought to the other, most of which thoughts being worldly. Give away the uncontrollable monkey to God. You will get peace
Adi Shankara

Comment: When the monkey jumps too fast, it falls and injures itself. So also, if the mind jumps too fast from one thought to the other, the body loses it's health... And contacts BP, Diabetes etc.

So don't allow the mind to jump like a monkey. Easiest is to allow it to settle down on one pleasant thought, preferably, God. That is Tapasya.


It's My turn

He has done a lot to me till now
Let me do some thing to Him now!


Self Respect

That the Reverence of a man's Self is, next to Religion, the chiefest briddle of all vices.

-Francis Bacon



Unlawful lust is like a furnace, where if you stop the flames altogether it will quench; but if you give it any vent, it will rage.

-Francis Bacon


Real Problem

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
----Bertrand Russell

Words of Wisdom

Self Respect

Never under.state your capabilities, even for sake of humility or as joke.


Decision & Slot

Okay, you took a decision. But have you allotted a time slot for its implementation?

Meditation & Energy

Meditate till you see only Energy, God in the form of Energy, nothing else.